Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sixth post

Ok yesdterdat was a freeaking awesome food day.

i had; a bagel with cream cheese (which i obviously picked out). then honey ropasted nuts. then for lunch i had maccas and my god are their large meals HUGE. the burger is the same but the chips and drink i would say are around double the size of our large...its kinda gross. other than that the only difference was meal was ready and packed before i had even paid. but yeah the taste was exactly the same. um i think thats all there was. no thats right. I HAD A HOT DOG which was pretty gross actually but still awesome.

anyway onto wat i did. i went to ice skating in the morning but it was closed. from there i went to a massive and famous toy store called F.A. something i cant remeber its full name. but it was super awesome with massive life size lego statues of batman, harry potter characters, darth vader, chewy and more. super cool.

after that walk down to the MoMA (meuseum of modern art) which was cool. i had more picasso, matisse monet and van gough. i had a monet called reflections of clouds and the water lilly pond which was three canvas long which means i took up the whole length of a room wall so probably like 12 meters long. it was awesome. As well as that the had a whole freakn exibit of van gough as like its main thing. it had stary night plus many other of his best....i think i have seen every single one of his major works now. As well up the top there was an exhibit from Joan Miro which was also pretty interesting. BUT..there was some art which frankly can only be described as a steaming pile of turd. I WILL NOT ACCEPT a fucking red canvas with five creamish cloured lines running down it as art. that room sucked and was full of crud.

OK after that (i got maccas) and the went the musuem of natural history. which is like someone else has gone to the zoo and now u get to look at their pictures. It was cool but so many of the displays were reproductions it got irritating. but there had some pretty interesting stuff on like the universe and atoms and stuff. the had the massive scall thing which would campare the size of object that were like 10^26 to 10^25 and then something that was 10^25 to 10^24 all the way down to 10^-18. i enjoyed that.

well after that i went back to the hostel had dinner which included reese penutbutter cup cakes, and a banna. after that i went ice skating a central park which was awesome. i feel over once but the main preblem was that with not authotics in the skates my feet were in extreem pain. still it was awesome.


  1. omg...ive had maccas in china lol and wow its weird... its the most healtheist thing here... none greasy and actual meat LOL

  2. wat!! thats not maccas. thats not even fast food. wat a let down. china fails.
